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Last Post 27 Jul 2020 10:04 AM by  Chip Stutzman
Missouri Fury 04 Tryouts
 3 Replies
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Chip Stutzman

New Member

New Member

15 Jul 2020 02:10 PM
    Missouri Fury 04 will be having tryouts on Thursday, July 23rd from 4:30-6:00pm and Monday, July 27th from 6:00-8:00pm at the New Melle Sports and Recreation Complex. All positions will be considered. If you have questions or are interested in a tryout, please contact us at [email protected].

    Chip Stutzman

    New Member

    New Member

    19 Jul 2020 03:39 PM
    Tryouts Thursday, July 23rd 4:30-6:00pm and Monday, July 27th 6:00-8:00pm at New Melle Sports and Recreation Complex. We are looking for 04 (or strong 05) players. All positions will be considered....pitchers and catchers needed!! Email [email protected] with questions or for a registration form.

    Chip Stutzman

    New Member

    New Member

    22 Jul 2020 08:04 AM

    Chip Stutzman

    New Member

    New Member

    27 Jul 2020 10:04 AM
    We are planning to move our tryout indoors if we can't get on the fields tonight. New Melle Sports and Rec Complex Field 1 6:00-8:00pm. Looking to fill several spots....All positions considered!! If anything changes, I will update you here!!
    Email us at [email protected] if you are interested in a private tryout.
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