0 Replies and 1871 Views
12u 2021 Diamond Stars Knott 1871 0
Started by Bryan Knott
12u Knott Diamond Stars are looking for a strong pitcher and middle infielder to fill out our roster.. we play at a high AA level and are looking for the right families to fill these 2 spots. We will consider other positions. Have any questions on our plans and/or to set up a tryout, contact Bryan 314-308-3404 or bkdrum4godyahoo.com
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1871 |
06 Aug 2020 07:41 PM |
0 Replies and 1878 Views
12u 2021 Diamond Stars Knott 1878 0
Started by Bryan Knott
12u Knott Diamond Stars are looking for a strong pitcher and middle infielder to fill out our roster.. we play at a high AA level and are looking for the right families to fill these 2 spots. We will consider other positions. Have any questions on our plans and/or to set up a tryout, contact Bryan 314-308-3404 or bkdrum4godyahoo.com
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1878 |
06 Aug 2020 07:41 PM |
0 Replies and 1889 Views
12u 2021 Diamond Stars Knott 1889 0
Started by Bryan Knott
12u Knott Diamond Stars are looking for a strong pitcher and middle infielder to fill out our roster.. we play at a high AA level and are looking for the right families to fill these 2 spots. We will consider other positions. Have any questions on our plans and/or to set up a tryout, contact Bryan 314-308-3404 or bkdrum4godyahoo.com
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1889 |
06 Aug 2020 07:41 PM |
0 Replies and 1844 Views
12u 2021 Diamond Stars Knott 1844 0
Started by Bryan Knott
12u Knott Diamond Stars are looking for a strong pitcher and middle infielder to fill out our roster.. we play at a high AA level and are looking for the right families to fill these 2 spots. We will consider other positions. Have any questions on our plans and/or to set up a tryout, contact Bryan 314-308-3404 or bkdrum4godyahoo.com
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1844 |
06 Aug 2020 07:41 PM |
0 Replies and 1908 Views
12u 2021 Diamond Stars Knott 1908 0
Started by Bryan Knott
12u Knott Diamond Stars are looking for a strong pitcher and middle infielder to fill out our roster.. we play at a high AA level and are looking for the right families to fill these 2 spots. We will consider other positions. Have any questions on our plans and/or to set up a tryout, contact Bryan 314-308-3404 or bkdrum4godyahoo.com
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1908 |
06 Aug 2020 07:41 PM |
0 Replies and 1853 Views
12u 2021 Diamond Stars Knott 1853 0
Started by Bryan Knott
12u Knott Diamond Stars are looking for a strong pitcher and middle infielder to fill out our roster.. we play at a high AA level and are looking for the right families to fill these 2 spots. We will consider other positions. Have any questions on our plans and/or to set up a tryout, contact Bryan 314-308-3404 or bkdrum4godyahoo.com
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1853 |
06 Aug 2020 07:40 PM |
0 Replies and 1861 Views
12u 2021 Diamond Stars Knott 1861 0
Started by Bryan Knott
12u Knott Diamond Stars are looking for a strong pitcher and middle infielder to fill out our roster.. we play at a high AA level and are looking for the right families to fill these 2 spots. We will consider other positions. Have any questions on our plans and/or to set up a tryout, contact Bryan 314-308-3404 or bkdrum4godyahoo.com
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1861 |
06 Aug 2020 07:40 PM |
0 Replies and 1897 Views
13u baseball team looking for 2 players 1897 0
Started by Michael Cibulka
Hello! The Midwest Warriors are looking to add 2 players to our fall ball team to finalize the roster. The team is an A level team. Please contact coach Michael directly at mcibulka6yahoo.com or 636-232-8832 (text or call) to discuss setting up a meet and greet/tryout. Thank you!
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1897 |
04 Aug 2020 08:40 AM |
0 Replies and 1920 Views
St. Louis Fire tryouts for Spring 2021 (17u) 1920 0
Started by Greg Gutknecht
The St. Louis Fire will be holding tryouts for spring 2021 (17U) at Windsor High School 949 Windsor Harbor Rd 63052. 17U will be from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm. The Fire have 2 17u teams all positions are open. The Fire have their own indoor training facility and also offer hitting, and pitching instructions. The 17u teams are tournament only and play at the AAA/Major Level, the Fire have joined with BTL (Between the Lines) to help with college recruiting, player profiles and also showcases. T...
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1920 |
04 Aug 2020 07:18 AM |
0 Replies and 1965 Views
Baseball Tryouts (St Louis Fire) 1965 0
Started by Bill Berhorst
The St Louis Fire Baseball Club is holding tryouts for several teams. If your age is not listed please email for other options. Also we are looking to add an additional 8U team so if you have a 7U team and are looking for a club experience let us know how we can help!!! When: August 9th Where: Windsor H.S. (949 Windsor Harbor Rd. Imperial, MO) Times: 11:00-12:10 12u (Head coach: Kyle Schnable) 11:40-12:50 10u (Head coach: Jonathan Glibreth) 12:20-1:30 11u (Head coach: Keith Paszk...
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1965 |
27 Jul 2020 01:30 PM |
0 Replies and 2139 Views
12u for 2021 11u now Diamond stars 2139 0
Started by Bryan Knott
11u now with a few tournaments left you can Sub in for .. then we will go right into fall ball 12u and 12u for 2021. The Diamond Stars 11/12u AA are having open -private tryouts . Contact Bryan Knott at 314-308-3404 or bkdrum4godyahoo.com for more information or to set up a workout. With sponsor and fundraising price will be practically nothing . Cant be beat.
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2139 |
12 Jul 2020 02:11 PM |
0 Replies and 2153 Views
Phenom Tryouts for 2021 2153 0
Started by Don Eplin
The Phenom of 21 Baseball and Softball Academy are looking to add to their family. Tryouts will be July 26th and August 2. For information on each age level: 10u, 11u & 12u, 13u & 14u and high school email oldpitcher32att.net or pm me.
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2153 |
07 Jul 2020 10:28 PM |
0 Replies and 2234 Views
11-12u Diamond Stars 2234 0
Started by Bryan Knott
The 11u AA Diamond stars are having a early bird tryouts for our 12u season on individual or small group workouts. Bud dome/practice field space/ the grind ..lots of things we like to do to develop your son. Along with affordable club fee for November-March training with additional training that’s available...contact coach Bryan Knott for a workout or more info..314-308-3404 or email bkdrum4godyahoo.com
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2234 |
27 Jun 2020 07:58 AM |
0 Replies and 2235 Views
9u, 11u, 12u, 13u teams looking for players 2235 0
Started by Michael Cibulka
Hello! We are looking for baseball players for our 9u, 11u, 12u, and 13u teams. We will be holding tryouts in July. If you are looking for a fall ball team that offers an instructional but fun environment, look no further. We are an independent organization and thus we are able to offer low fees for our families. Please contact coach Michael at mcibulka6yahoo.com or 636-232-8832 to learn more about our team or discuss setting up a tryout. Thank you!
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2235 |
25 Jun 2020 08:08 AM |
0 Replies and 2195 Views
9u Looking for a Team 2195 0
Started by Jennifer Haug
My son is going to be 10 in December and has been playing CYC baseball since he was 5. He is looking for a friendly, yet competitive team. He is a rule follower, highly motivated, a team player, and loves the sport. He would love an opportunity to grow with a new team. Please email me jennidhauggmail.com. Thanks! Jenni
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2195 |
24 Jun 2020 07:37 PM |
0 Replies and 2272 Views
11U Player Needed 2272 0
Started by Bill Berhorst
St Louis Fire 11U has an opening for a player. Please contact the coach Kyle at 314-221-5454 or email stlfirebaseballgmail.com as soon as possible if you would like to fill this spot. This is A/AA Team.
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2272 |
01 Jun 2020 02:20 PM |
0 Replies and 2005 Views
11u Diamond Stars 2005 0
Started by Bryan Knott
The 11u Diamond Stars are looking for players interested in filling in June and July tournaments. Searching for pitchers especially but all positions welcomed. 3-4 spots are available going into the 12u season so what better way to see if the Diamond Stars are the right fit for you.. call/text coach Bryan Knott 314-308-3404 or email bkdrum4godyahoo.com for a workout/tryout or more information.
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2005 |
01 Jun 2020 12:06 PM |
0 Replies and 2359 Views
STL Nike Redbirds 2359 0
Started by St Louis Redbirds
The STL Nike Redbirds has a few roster spots open for the 2020 summer. Teams/players will participate in a June/July schedule with mid-week practice, league games, and tournaments on the weekend. To learn more about your age group and the schedule/program we have planned for the 2020 summer please visit our website stlouisredbirds.com and complete a prospective player form. Once received a Redbirds director will be in contact within 24 hours. AGE GROUPS: 7u, 8u, 11u, 14u, 15u, 18u WEBSITE:...
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2359 |
07 May 2020 12:59 AM |
0 Replies and 2554 Views
Tee-Ball 4U/5U 2554 0
Started by Amy Frillman
I'm looking for a team for my 4-year-old son. He can hit, field and throw. Please contact me if you have an opening. Amy Frillman 314-401-8030
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2554 |
18 Mar 2020 04:28 PM |
0 Replies and 2556 Views
9u player looking g for tean 2556 0
My son Jacoby is looking for a team to play on this spring. He has been playing for 4-5 years now. Email puckhead1013gmail.com or call 3145375170 with any opening please Thank you George Schmelter
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2556 |
11 Mar 2020 07:36 PM |